Ulterior Technologies Apps

UT Secure Text 1.5.03
UT SECURE TEXTSummaryWorried about spyware, the government, or the phone companiesreadind your private text messages to your family and friends? WithUT SECURE TEXT you don't have to worry anymore!!!UT SECURE TEXT uses next generation encryption technology toencrypt your messages (on your device BEFORE you send them), thensends the message to your family and friends, where it's decoded(on their device).The only messages sent over the air that other people might seeare garbled numbers!, yes, numbers! This revolutionary encryptiontechnology engineered by our technicians uses a very complexalgorithm which combines a Passkey with your message to create avirtually un-breakable code.It takes a few moments for each message to be either encryptedor decrypted, so we don't recommend you replace you existingmessenger or heavily use UT Secure Text. Its designed as asecondary messenger you can use for all of your TOP SECRET personaland private messages and passing private information. Use UT SecureText and no one will ever know what you are sending but theperson(s) you intended the message for.Enjoy two built-in themes: Army and Black OpsUSER ADVISORY: Both parties must have this app (andcorresponding user licenses) in order to receive encryptedmessages.This app uses UT NEST (Numeric Encryption System for Text)Technology (developed by Ulterior Technologies) and have beentested and proven to be completely unbreakable.